"What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet."
Juliet, Act 2 Scene 2, Romeo and Juliet


Quantum Transition Event Communications:

the name of Faster than light super-communications

This name describes the actual process I have developed to overcome lightspeed, which also accurately describes the modality of operation. As an added bonus, the acronym is a bit catchy, if you say it the right way: Long Q - then 'tek'  think 'Q-tec'. The quantum transition event happens whenever a particle or photon interacts with something and as you might guess, are abundant in nature. The QTE is not a property of a particle, photon, or wave. It is the result of things that happen when the particle, photon, or wave interacts with other things. It becomes the source point for the creation of P2 probability waves. A photon is absorbed by something.  It transitions from free moving to being captured and a QTE is generated. A P2 wave is created.  In an electrical circuit, electrons are slowly bump bumping down a wire due to a potential difference in voltage. This is actually a rich source of QTEs; each time one of the electrons interacts with each of the atoms in the copper wire, a QTE happens. Hence, many P2 probability waves are generated. In short, a quantum transition event is NOT a part of a particle, packet of energy, or a wave. It is more a description of what those particles, packets of energy, or waves do. It is tied intimately into motion. It is motion. If something experiences motion, P2 waves are created. I can't get into it in the depth it deserves here, but if you go to the last page in this web site, Omnia Ex Nihilo, I've included a hyperlink to my full idea there for the brave to peruse. Just click on the Composite Dimensionality link for the entire PDF.


Taking things out of order, I came up with the actual name only after I had developed a rough working theory of operation. I realized that the generation of P2 probability waves stemmed from the measurement problem in quantum physics. Without going into too much detail, any quantum system that evolves over time and is defined by the Schrodinger equation, can exist in many simultaneous states. But, we only measure one state when we look at the  system (take a measurement). I realized that if they all have the potential to become real when we make an actual measurement, then all the unrealized (unmeasured) states must still be there, somewhere - but where? For me, contemplation of the answer to the measurement problem leads directly and naturally to the multiverse.  My great breakthrough in thought was when I realized that those infinite unrealized outcomes in my home universe would still need a way to propagate into those other, uncountable alternate domains so they too can experience wavefunction collapse.


Schrodinger's Ghost

A major clue was that these alternate paths described by the Schrodinger equation were imaginary paths.  This is because the Schrodinger equation is itself imaginary.  You may recall I previously stated that the reason I 'invented' imaginary particles was because Schrodinger's equation demanded it. This is why. Literally, it was as though Erwin Schrodinger himself reached a ghostly hand from beyond the grave and smacked me in the face.  Yeah, getting smacked in the face by a ghost can really wake you up!

All the personal stuff mentioned above happened in the early to mid-1980s. What took longer was searching for clues that would lead me down whatever dark paths I needed to follow for the next answer. For me, that was the phenomenon of entanglement.  I studied everything available on the subject, which back then meant getting physical books, articles, and science journals. The internet as we know it today didn’t yet exist. We had Arpanet and later Usenet, communicating slowly over 56-kilobaud modems. Public and university libraries were essential resources, and I spent many happy hours at the university copy machine, copying science journal articles.  Ahh… the good old days. Sigh…

By the time I finished reading all I could get my hands on about the concept of entanglement, I honestly wondered why no one hadn't already invented a superluminal communicator.  Ah, the innocence of youth. That was when the stochastic nature of quantum processes did to me what Erwin Schrodinger's ghost had done earlier. And yeah, looking back on things from my current perspective as an old man, I really did deserve it. That was when I started to realize why no one had previously invented such a thing as a Star Trek style communicator.  But I wasn't going to admit defeat so easily.


Scooby-Doo, Where are you!

That was when the Scooby Gang helped me out. Yes, you read that right. The Scooby-Doo Cartoon. It aired right in the middle of my child hood, and I really enjoyed the simple world and wholesome adventures the Scooby Gang got into.  More than that, the Scooby Gang used their inquisitive spirit, youthful energy, and smarts to think their way through to the solution of every mystery they got involved with. Hey, it was a nice show, and a relaxing way for a kid to spend a half hour...  That was how I got the notion in my head that I, like the Scooby Gang, was hot on the trail of a mystery. Even now, though I am far away from the child I once was, sitting in front of the living room television, eating Cap'n Crunch cereal, and watching The Scooby Gang on TV, I still have a soft spot in my heart for high quality animation, and a certain gluttonous dog.

It was this tiny perspective shift in how I approached the subject, like a detective looking for clues, brought about by watching a kids cartoon on a nice Saturday morning, that provided the clue I needed to solve my problem. This was when I began to understand the true nature of this universe wasn't what the physics I had learned at University fully described it to be. Thus, I began what for me, was a life long quest to understand reality.  And yeah, I hit pay dirt.

