
The oscillator is the heart and soul of the superluminal communicator. To establish a stable superluminal link,  both the transmitter and receiver must use stable, low noise frequency generators.  Currently, I employ a custom-designed, high-precision analog sine wave oscillator. This oscillator delivers a sine wave with an exceptionally low noise figure of -110 DBc, just 1 Hz away from the center frequency.


Analog sine wave oscillator

The most significant cost in this setup arises from the exacting requirements required by the oscillator.  It requires, no, demands expert craftsmanship, blending technical knowledge with a touch of artistry - and is typically used where high precision and minimal noise are critical. A matched pair of oscillators is necessary, one each for the transmitter and receiver.  When precision components must be matched to such a degree that even the SC-cut quartz comes from the same source in order to minimize distortion coming from minute mineralogical differences, costs can skyrocket to several thousand dollars per unit, especially in small quantities.  I am presently looking into some ways to reduce this cost to a reasonable amount as it plays hell on a tight research budget. But right now it is the price you must pay for quiet....


Direct Digital synthesis oscillator

I heard you -- the person who said why not use a digital oscillator? Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) offers very tight control over both frequency and phase of the output waveform. That's true. It also allows you to dynamically alter these parameters on the fly simply by inserting a CPU  (or a computer) in the feedback loop.  However, digital oscillators are inherently 'digital'. No matter the level of filtering, their output consists of discreet voltage steps. In all the DDS oscillator variations I have tried, this is what renders digital oscillators unsuitable. The digital noise that accompanies the stepping of the waveform is unacceptably high and there is no way to eliminate it. Digital oscillators wont work. It's too bad, because it would really be a fifty cent solution to a million dollar problem.


Synthetic Aperture oscillator

A somewhat promising design I am presently investigating is what I call a Synthetic Aperture Oscillator (SAO).  It operates by mixing the outputs of two high-performance analog oscillators, each slightly detuned from the other, to create a heterodyne product.  If their frequencies differ by 1 Hz, the SAO's output will be a 1 Hz sine wave.  This method theoretically allows for the generation of the low frequencies required by the DMC.  While this and other hybrid technologies may play a role in future super-communicators, their current stage of theoretical development does not yet justify the increased design complexity and cost.


optically pumped photonic resonator

In the ongoing pursuit of achieving stable frequency generation and minimal noise production, I am also contemplating a novel approach: utilizing photons as an optical resonator directly. Photons, produced by a laser, inhabit spectrally pure frequency domains and constitute low-noise-threshold electromagnetic fields. There is considerable potential in amplitude modulating a laser beam and employing this as a source input for an optically driven Decision Making Circuit. This alternative has gained traction over recent decades, particularly with the proliferation of cost-effective laser diodes and optoelectronic devices. The potential to enhance the performance of the  super communicator  by providing a more stable and noise-free channel for information transfer could be literally off-the-charts.  It would necessitate a comprehensive redesign of the super communicator but if the preliminary results continue to be as promising as they are now, the benefits could far outweigh the challenges.


in conclusion...

Over the many years I have been developing various generations of super communicator designs, I have explored, tested, and discarded many different oscillator designs. This rigorous process has a name: innovation. It will continue on into the future as the payoff is substantial. The core component of the super communicator is the DMC, and the beating heart of the DMC is the oscillator. While the path ahead may be difficult, the potential rewards make it a journey worth embarking on.