The Story so far...

Maybe it's time to do a bit of a recap of what I have been saying up till now:

1. The universe, taken as a whole, will seemingly bend or break all the rules we have spent centuries developing...

2. All particles, no matter how different from one another they  may be, have one thing in common - they are each built to convey a specific type of information. This is, in fact, why point #1 seemingly gets broken in the first place. Sometimes, traveling even at light speed is just too darn slow.

3. The reason for point #2 revolves around information transfer, which in turn explains point # 1.

4.  The theory of relativity is fundamentally based on energy. If we accept the above first point, all subsequent points align logically. Similarly, the phenomenon known as "spooky action at a distance," as Einstein termed it, is unique to quantum mechanics and involves motion. But since motion involves energy, the above points suggest an intricate relationship between energy and motion.

 Quantum mechanics and the theory of  relativity are like two dominant forces in a room. They both offer contrasting conclusions, yet both are considered correct. This raises the question: What happens when the universe isn't spacious enough to accommodate their conflict?  Could this be a hint that not all types of motion require the application of energy? It suggests the intriguing possibility of another unknown factor at play. 

5a. There are several types of matter in our universe:


5b. All forms of matter in our universe share one key characteristic: wave-particle duality. This means they exist as a probability wave, which represents the likelihood of finding a particle at a specific location. You can think of this probability wave as a matter wave that has a certain chance of collapsing into a particle. The closer this probability is to 100%, the more likely you are to find a particle at a given location. If a particle has a 100% chance of being somewhere, we say the wavefunction has collapsed, and that’s where you’ll find the particle. Conversely, a 0% chance means you will never find the particle at that location. In reality, the probabilities can range anywhere from 0 to 100 percent, which is why you can never be absolutely certain of a particle’s location before you detect it.

Another way to look at the wave nature of a traveling matter wave is to consider that the above description more accurately describes the probability of travel. For instance, a particle may be detected along any of the possible paths, some more likely than others. Regardless of which path the detection event occurs on, there will always be a 100% chance the particle will be found there. Even if a particular path has a very low chance of being the one where the wave function collapses and a particle appears, if the particle chooses that path, there will always be a 100% chance of finding the particle at the end of that path.

The probability of a particle’s trajectory can range from 0% to 100%, and this behavior is dictated by Schrodinger’s equation in the context of quantum mechanical systems. The probability of detection is always 100%, meaning the particle will invariably be found where the wavefunction collapses, reverting to a particle state. However, it’s important to note that Schrodinger’s equation does not govern this detection path. This distinction, though seemingly trivial now, will prove to be quite useful in our subsequent discussions.

Why is this important? It’s because a particle can take an infinite number of possible paths. In practical terms, this means that the probability of a particle following a specific path is 1 divided by infinity, which essentially equals zero. In other words, the chance of a particle taking a specific path is virtually zero during the lifetime of the universe. On the other hand, the probability of detecting a particle on a particular path is always 100%. This is a manifestation of the principle of complementarity in physical systems, an aspect that is often overlooked. However, it’s crucial that we don’t ignore this.

Whew, that sure is enough to make for a large headache. The only thing I haven't picked on is motion itself. That's because it is measurable, phenomenological. Everything else, if you have been following, derives from motion, is our attempt to explain motion. All we really know is motion. Motion is not just a definition, as is everything else. Now, before I raise anyone's blood pressure too high, I am not saying the concepts of energy, force, and work don't exist - it's just that they all fail, that they all break down, if pushed too far. They reveal a weakness that shouldn't be there. Something else is needed, not to replace the afore mentioned concepts, but to augment them. Remember, for hundreds of years Newtonian physics worked very well except when pushed too far. Looking into the failings of Newton, both relativity and quantum physics were born. We know more about our universe now. Immensely more. But, Good Old Newton is still fine enough to land astronauts on the moon or aim a space probe into the atmosphere of Jupiter, let alone land a robot probe on Mars exactly where it ought to be.

In much the same way, we need another idea to not only get a clearer picture of how motion is caused (which is the heart of physics), but to also increase our knowledge of our living quarters -- this universe. The key question we need to explore is what actually causes motion.  If it's not energy, or force, then what? Have we overlooked something?  Can quantum physics tell us anything about motion? No - since quantum physics is only accurate when describing statistically large agglomerations of particles, it tells us nothing about an individual particle or the path that single particle may or may not take.  Not straying from the topic of this web site, remember, it is motion that conveys information - if the right 'thing' is found, it may not be bounded by C, the speed of light. From a proper understanding of our world, we may find the veils lifted from our eyes, and discover it is in actuality childishly simple to build a real useful FTL communicator... the irony is that what we have to look for has already been found. To see why, we have to go way back to the most simple experiment in quantum physics - the single slit experiment...